Victims' Bill of Rights
Victims' Bill of Rights
The Compensation for Victims of Crime Program (the Program) provides compensation for personal injury or death resulting from certain crimes occurring within Manitoba. For more information on the program and how to apply please go to the Program’s website at
If you disagree with a decision you received from the Program you may appeal that decision to the Appeal Commission. To begin the appeal process, please read the following information and then complete an Application to Appeal.
What can I appeal?
Any decision regarding an application for compensation or other benefits may be appealed. However, the Appeal Commission is only able to consider issues previously decided by the Director of the Program. If new issues are raised prior to or at a hearing, they will be referred back to the Program.
Is there a time limit to appeal?
Yes. You must appeal the decision within 30 days of receiving it. If you do not appeal within 30 days you will have to ask the Appeal Commission to extend the time. The Appeal Commission may extend the time if satisfied there was a reasonable excuse for failing to appeal within 30 days.
How do I appeal?
Please complete an application to appeal and send it to us, or submit an Appeal of Victims' Rights Decision application online.
What documents do I need to submit?
The Appeal Commission uses the Program’s actual claim file so you do not need to submit copies of any information from your claim file. If you will use information that is not on your claim file please ensure we receive it at least 5 business days before your hearing. If someone will be attending with you please let us know before your hearing.
Am I eligible for lost wages or any other expenses?
No. The Appeal Commission cannot reimburse you for any expenses incurred to attend the hearing. However, all efforts will be made to schedule the hearing at a time and in such a way (e.g. teleconference) that your expenses are minimized.
You are responsible for all fees charged by your personal representative for your appeal and any expenses incurred by witnesses you bring with you.
How do I get a decision?
A decision and the reasons for it will be mailed to you.
What if I disagree with the decision made on my claim?
You may appeal a decision of the Appeal Commission to the Court of Queen’s Bench. An appeal may be taken only on a question of law or jurisdiction and must be made within 30 days of receiving the decision.