Before the Appeal

Information to Help You Prepare

Preparing for an Oral Hearing (PDF 216 KB)

Witness List

Rules of Procedure


If you disagree with a decision you received from the WCB, you may appeal that decision to the Appeal Commission. To begin the appeal process, please read the following information and then complete an Application to Appeal.

Who can appeal?

  • a worker
  • a deceased worker’s dependent
  • a deceased worker’s estate
  • an employer wishing to challenge a compensation decision
  • an employer wishing to challenge an assessment decision
  • a third party with a direct interest in a matter
  • a party to an action where an application is made pursuant to subsection 60(5) of the Act

What can I appeal?

Any decision regarding an application for compensation or other benefits and all matters relating to assessments may be appealed. However, the Appeal Commission is only able to consider issues previously decided by the WCB’s Review Office or Reconsideration Committee. If new issues are raised prior to or at a hearing, they will be referred back to the WCB.

Is there a time limit to appeal?

Except for appeals of administrative penalties, there are no time limits to file an appeal. If you intend to obtain further information, medical or otherwise, you should obtain that information before appealing.

If you are appealing an administrative penalty you must complete and submit your appeal within 30 days of being served the WCB's decision. See section 109.7(1.3) of The Workers Compensation Act.

What documents do I need to submit?

The Appeal Commission uses your actual WCB claim file so you do not need to submit copies of any information from your claim file. If you will use information that is not on your claim file please ensure we receive it at least 5 business days before your hearing. If someone will be attending with you, you must let us know before the hearing. If you are bringing a witness to the hearing, you must complete and submit a Witness List.

What if I miss time from work to attend the hearing?

If you are a worker and are required to miss work to attend your hearing you will be reimbursed for actual wages lost. The Appeal Commission will need verification of lost wages.

Will I be paid for any other expenses?

You may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred to attend your hearing if you live in the province of Manitoba. If, for health reasons you are unable to travel alone, you may also be reimbursed the expenses of a companion. Please contact the Appeal Commission for further information about eligible expenses. You are responsible for all fees charged by your personal representative for your appeal and any expenses incurred by witnesses you bring with you.

When will I get a decision?

A decision and the reasons for it will be made within 60 days after the completion of the hearing. All parties will receive a copy of the decision. If additional information is required, all parties will be provided with a copy of the information and given a reasonable period to make any comment.

Where can I get help?

If you are a worker, there are individuals and agencies that may help you make your appeal, e.g.:

1. Your Union Representative

Your union representative may have experience in dealing with the appeal process and may be able to answer any questions you may have or possibly represent you at an appeal hearing.

2. Worker Advisor Office

The Worker Advisor Office is a program of the Government of Manitoba. It is independent of the WCB. Worker advisors are knowledgeable about the compensation system and can help you with the appeal process. The services of a worker advisor are available free of charge. More information on worker advisors is available by contacting the Worker Advisor Office.

606-401 York Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3C 0P8 (204) 945-5787 or 1-800-282-8069 ext. 5787 (toll free)


If you are an employer, you may represent yourself in an appeal. You may also choose to be represented by a lawyer of any other person.

The Employer Advisor Office is a program of the Government of Manitoba to support employers in the workers compensation system. The Employer Advisor Office offers free advice and assistance to help employers navigate processes, policies and decisions of the Workers Compensation Board. The Employer Advisor Office is available to discuss your options if you disagree with a decision of the WCB and to guide you in the appeal process. For more information or to contact the Employer Advisor Office:

6th Floor, 401 York Avenue

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3C 0P8

204-945-3363 or 1-800-282-8069 ext 3363 (toll free)
