Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you do not find your question in the list below, please contact us.

The Appeal Commission FAQ

What is the Appeal Commission?

The Appeal Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial tribunal established under The Workers Compensation Act (the Act) to deal with appeals arising from decisions made by the Workers Compensation Board Review Office or Reconsideration Committee.

The Appeal Commission also hears applications submitted pursuant to subsection 68(4) of the Act, which involves determining whether or not a right of action is removed by the Act. The Appeal Commission also acts as the final level of appeal for victims of crime filed under the provisions of The Criminal Injuries Compensation Act and The Victims' Bill of Rights.

The Appeal Commission is independent of the Workers Compensation Board (WCB). All appeal commissioners, including the Chief Appeal Commissioner are appointed through an Order-in-Council by the Provincial Government. The commissioners are not employees of the WCB.

Who are the Appeal Commissioners?

Commissioners Representing the Public Interest

Karen Dyck Chief Appeal Commissioner
RenĂ©e Lemieux Howard  Full-time Commissioner
Karen Wittman Part-time Commissioner
Nicole Smith Part-time Commissioner
Renato Mamucud Part-time Commissioner
Natasha Brown Part-time Commissioner
Marcelin Murray Part-time Commissioner

Commissioners Representing Workers

Steve Magian Part-time Commissioner
Marc Payette Part-time Commissioner
Robert Ripley Part-time Commissioner
Phil Kraychuk Part-time Commissioner

Mark Kernaghan Full-time Commissioner

Commissioners Representing Employers

Jim Witiuk Part-time Commissioner
Maria Jordan Part-time Commissioner
Danielle Rhoda Part-time Commissioner
Jane MacKay Part-time Commissioner
Ron Hambley Part-time Commissioner
Jason Peterson Full-time Commissioner

Senior Staff

Peter J. Wiebe Registrar
Roger Lafrance Assistant Registrar
Maria Perelman Supervisor, Scheduling

How is the Appeal Commission different from the WCB?

The Appeal Commission is separate from the WCB. The Commission's mandate is to hear and decide appeals from workers and employers. The Commission can only deal with matters which have already been decided by the WCB Review Office or Reconsideration Committee.

Can I file an appeal with the Appeal Commission?

A worker (or if a worker is deceased, the worker's dependants) or an employer may submit an appeal to the Appeal Commission after receipt of a written decision from the Workers Compensation Board Review Office or Reconsideration Committee. If new issues are raised prior to or at a hearing, they will be referred back to the Workers Compensation Board.

Your representative may also file an appeal on your behalf. A representative may be a worker advisor, a consultant in private practice whom you have hired, a friend, a union representative, a lawyer or any other person you authorize to act on your behalf.

Are there time limits to file an appeal?

Except for appeals of administrative penalties, there are no time limits to file an appeal. If you intend to obtain further information, medical or otherwise, you should obtain that information before appealing.

If you are appealing an administrative penalty you must complete and submit your appeal within 30 days of being served the WCB's decision. See section 109.7(1.3) of The Workers Compensation Act.

How do I start an appeal?

You should review the Appeal Commission Rules of Procedure. You start your appeal by filling out and sending in an appeal form. It is important to include your WCB claim number(s) or employer firm number(s), and the date of the WCB decision(s) you are appealing. This form may be sent to the Appeal Commission by mail, email or fax. The forms are available on this web site, or by contacting the Appeal Commission by phone at (204) 925-6116, by mail at 1120-330 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3Z5 or by email at

Do I need a representative?

You can appeal a decision to the Appeal Commission on your own or with the help of a representative. The Appeal Commission is committed to providing a fair hearing whether you have a representative or not. The Appeal Commission does not arrange or pay for representation.

Where can I get help?

If you are a worker, there are individuals and agencies that may help you make your appeal, e.g.:

  1. Your Union Representative
    Your union representative may have experience in dealing with the appeal process and may be able to answer any questions you may have or possibly represent you at an appeal hearing.
  2. Worker Advisor Office
    The Worker Advisor Office is a program of the Government of Manitoba. It is independent of the WCB. Worker advisors are knowledgeable about the compensation system and can help you with the appeal process. The services of a worker advisor are available free of charge. More information on worker advisors is available by contacting the Worker Advisor Office.
    Winnipeg and the surrounding area
    606-401 York Avenue
    Winnipeg, Manitoba
    R3C 0P8 (204) 945-5787 or 1-800-282-8069 ext. 5787 (toll free)

If you are an employer, you may represent yourself in an appeal. You may also choose to be represented by a lawyer or any other person.

The Employer Advisor Office is a program of the Government of Manitoba to support employers in the workers compensation system. The Employer Advisor Office offers free advice and assistance to help employers navigate processes, policies and decisions of the Workers Compensation Board. The Employer Advisor Office is available to discuss your options if you disagree with a decision of the WCB and to guide you in the appeal process.

For more information or to contact the Employer Advisor Office.

6th Floor, 401 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0P8 (204) 945-3363 or 1-800-282-8069 ext 3363 (toll free)

606-401 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 0P8 (204) 945-5787 or 1-800-282-8069 ext. 5787 (toll free)

What happens after I file an appeal?

After you file your appeal with the Appeal Commission, all parties (usually the worker and employer) are contacted by the Commission to ensure information is complete and accurate so that the appeal may proceed. Once all parties to an appeal have confirmed they are ready to proceed, the Commission will contact them by telephone to schedule a date for the appeal to be addressed.

What is the length of the appeal process?

The appeal process can vary greatly in length depending on the particular situation. This time allows both parties to prepare their cases. In some instances, further information is required and this takes additional time to gather. The complexity of the appeal may also affect the length of time it takes to finalize your appeal.

Where do the hearings take place?

Hearings take place via file review, teleconference, videoconference or in-office at the Appeal Commission offices.

1120-330 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3Z5

What type of hearing can I have?

The type of hearing you have depends on the issue(s) you bring to the Appeal Commission. You may request either an oral hearing or a file review. However, the Chief Appeal Commissioner, or the panel addressing your appeal, have the final authority to determine the most appropriate method for the appeal.

Oral Hearing

Oral hearings are the

most common appeal forum. If the appeal is more complex, it will probably be decided by an oral hearing. The party requesting the hearing presents the appeal to the appeal panel verbally. This can happen by teleconference, videoconference or in-office. The appeal can be supported by a written submission. Witnesses may attend in support of the appeal. If you are bringing a witness to the hearing, you must complete and submit a Witness List. Some examples of appeals decided by an oral hearing are:

  • where additional evidence is to be presented
  • where there is a fatality
  • where serious injury has occurred
  • where an occupational disease is involved
  • where the decision may have an important impact on how WCB policy is interpreted or applied
  • where the facts are in dispute

File Review

An appeal can be decided by a file review if all the issues are easy to understand from the file documents. The panel reaches a decision after it conducts a full review of the file documentation and any written evidence submitted by the parties with a direct interest. If an appeal is decided by a file review, parties do not have to appear in person before the appeal panel. Some examples of appeals commonly decided by file review include:

  • most assessment appeals
  • factual matters such as the level of average earnings
  • applications for an increase in permanent partial impairment where no wage loss is involved
  • payment of medical aid/travel expenses
  • appeals where the facts of the case are not in dispute

If I cannot make it to my hearing, what should I do?

Call us.

  • If you want to reschedule your hearing to another date, complete and submit a Request for Adjournment.
  • If you want to withdraw your appeal, complete and submit a Notice of Withdrawal
  • You must request the adjournment or withdrawal as far in advance of the scheduled hearing date as possible to ensure no party is negatively effected. 
  • If you need to adjourn or withdraw your appeal shortly before the scheduled hearing date please call us. 
  • If you cannot attend and do not advise us, the hearing may proceed and your appeal will be determined by a documentary review of the information available to the panel.

Will the hearing be recorded?

A court reporter will record all oral hearings. A copy of the transcript is placed onto the file. You may not make your own recording. As parties are not present at file reviews, the proceedings are not recorded.

How long does a hearing take?

Hearings continue for as long as necessary so the panel may hear the evidence and submissions of all parties. They can last anywhere from 15 minutes to a number of days, but the average hearing is approximately 2 hours long.

Can I bring a relative or friend to the hearing?

You may bring a spouse or friend for moral support. You must advise the Appeal Commission of the number of people you are planning to bring with you to the hearing, as well as their names, prior to the hearing date. The panel will decide the status of each person at the time of the hearing.

Can I bring a witness to the hearing?

You may bring witnesses to a hearing. You must complete and submit a Witness List. You are responsible for any costs related to the witness attending the hearing.

What should I wear to the hearing?

Hearings at the Appeal Commission are informal. Therefore, you may wear what you are comfortable in. You do not have to dress up, however, we ask that you do not wear inappropriate clothing.

How can I prepare myself for the hearing?

  • You should review the Appeal Commission Rules of Procedure
  • Ensure all submissions, evidence, required medical reports and other related information have been sent to the Appeal Commission at least one week prior to the hearing/review date.
  • Obtain representation (if you wish).
  • Confirm the date and time of the hearing with your representative.
  • Be prepared to discuss why you feel the decision should be overturned or upheld.

What should I bring with me to the hearing?

The Appeal Commission uses your actual WCB claim file so you do not need to bring, or submit to us, copies of any information from your claim file. If you will use information that is not on your claim file please ensure we receive it at least 5 business days before your hearing. We recommend that you bring any other notes or information you find helpful in making your presentation.

What happens at the hearing?

  • At an in-office hearing all parties meet in the Appeal Commission waiting room prior to the scheduled hearing time and are then brought into the hearing room and seated.
  • The parties are introduced and the chair of the panel makes an opening statement and explains how the hearing will be conducted.
  • The party requesting the appeal makes their full presentation, including the advancement of their arguments and the calling of any witnesses.
  • The other party to the appeal then makes their full presentation.
  • The panel may ask questions of each party.
  • At the discretion of the panel, other parties may ask questions of each other.
  • The parties then make their closing remarks.
  • The panel can only consider issues previously decided by the WCB. If a new issue is raised at the hearing, it will be referred back to the WCB for consideration.

What happens after the hearing?

A decision and the reasons for it will be made within 60 days after the completion of the hearing. All parties will receive a copy of the decision. If additional information is required, all parties will be provided with a copy of the information and given a reasonable period to make any comment.

We also send a copy of the written decision to the WCB. The WCB is responsible for implementing the decision.

What can I do once I have received a final decision that I do not agree with?

You may apply for reconsideration, however, the Appeal Commission will not reconsider its decision simply because you are dissatisfied with it. For more information on the reconsideration process please review our informational brochure, Reconsideration of Appeal Commission Decisions, or contact us.

If you think the panel acted outside its authority or has erred in applying the Act, Regulations or WCB policy, you can write to the Board of Directors of the WCB and ask them to review the decision. You must identify the error made by the panel. Should the Board of Directors consider that an error has been made, they may order that the appeal be re-heard. Requests must be made within 90 calendar days of the release of the appeal decision. For more information please contact the WCB.

If my appeal is successful, when will I receive compensation?

Once the Appeal Commission has heard your appeal, it will make a decision about the issue(s) considered at the hearing. The Appeal Commission will then return your file to the WCB, where a case manager will arrange to make any necessary payments and schedule any referrals arising as a result of the Commission's decisions. The length of time it will take for payment of your benefits will vary depending on the details of the decision.

Can I get my travel expenses and/or lost wages paid by the Appeal Commission?

If you are a worker and are required to miss work to attend your hearing you will be reimbursed for actual wages lost. The Appeal Commission will need verification of lost wages.

If you are a worker you may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred to attend the hearing. If, for health reasons you are unable to travel alone, you may also be reimbursed the expenses of a companion. Please contact the Appeal Commission for further information about eligible expenses.

You are responsible for all fees charged by your personal representative for your appeal and any expenses incurred by witnesses you bring with you.